Hi, I'm Thanh Huy Doan Frontend Developer with a solid background in digital marketing and a ❤️ for SEO-friendly Web Design
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Proof of Profiency Todo-verse This is a quadrathlon of Todo apps - Vanilla JS, React and Full Stack (PERN).
From the basic skills of the web to mastering various (JavaScript) frameworks applied to advanced web projects.
Getting started with a simple, straightforward in vanilla JS version approach which represents 2 most popular programming paradigms: functional programming and object-oriented programming. Then accelerate fundamental knowledge by utilizing the powerful functionalities of React for more complex, data-driven, reactive apps using hooks and states. Finally finished with PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express, React, Node) which adding the ability to create an API with CRUD functionality.
Functional Programing HTML, SCSS, Gulp, Ramda, Vanialla JS
Object Oriented Programing HTML, SCSS, Gulp, Vanialla JS
React TypeScript HTML, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, React, Redux-toolkits, react-beautiful-dnd
Pern Stack HTML, PostgreSQL, Express, Node.JS, React, Jotai, React-Query, TailwindCSS
Skills Technologies I like playing around and learning new programming languages, frameworks, and libraries. These are the technologies that I love working with:

Who is Thanh Huy Doan 🤔


Selected Pratice Projects

All my Frontend Mentor Challenges

This is my profile site which includes all the completed challenges I've ever taken. There are a lot of cool visiual UI/UX design helping strengthen and sharpen my skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript/TypeScript as well as other React state management libs by solving these challanges.

TailwindReactZustandRedux-ToolkitStyled ComponetsBootstrap

Travel Tour Website

Travel Tour Website allows user to find and select tour by seamlesslly choosing customized marker on map

CharkUIReactJotaiReact-QueryGoogle APIServerless Function

Realtor Website

Realtor Website is a full features commercial website supports for all kind of real estate services like rent an buy

CharkUINext.jsJotaiReact-QueryRapid APISSRSSG

Crypto Website

Crypto Website is a website for providing market infos and updated news related to crypto currencies world

Ant DesignNext.jsRedux toolkitsRapid APISSRSSG

MovieOn online streaming App Design

Movie streaming app with social feature and watch party


Hostel Landing page

A landing page draft desing to promote my family business, which allow user to actively make appointment to receive an booking services


Pern Stack Blog Page

A full stack blog page using PERN stack - PostgreSQL, Express, React, Node.Js Create, Read, Update, and Delete blogs

PostgreSQLExpressReactNode.JsJotaiReact-QueryCUBE CSSTailwind


My portfolio Website showcasing my skills and side projects

AstroCSSReactNano StoreFramer Motion
All my Certificates of courses completion from me...
Get in Touch Contact me doanthanhhuy0402@gmail.com
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